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These articles and research papers come from a range of academic and journalistic publications and examine some of the major themes around trust, truth and fact-checking. 

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When a claim aligns with someone’s ideological beliefs, telling them that it’s wrong will actually make them believe it even more strongly.  This report finds that the backfire effect is in fact rare, not the norm — and suggests factchecking does help inform people. 


BBC director Lord Hall says 'mainstream media' has become 'term of abuse' in wider assault on free expression. He said  “traditional journalism” was now being depicted as a problem in society, rather than a solution.

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When it comes to the stories we share on the internet, the line between empirical truth and emotional truth can be extremely hard to parse.


News consumers are more trusting of the media—and more secure about their own ability to discern the truth—when they are exposed to a combination of fact-checking articles and opinion pieces arguing for the importance of journalism.

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This comic book was produced
by the Brazilian fact-checking platform Aos Fatos, in partnership
with the International Fact-Checking Network at
the Poynter Institute

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